Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Giver: Connection

"You know the rules. Two children-one male, and one female- to each family unit." This text reminds me of how in some country's only a certain amount of kids per family are allowed I got  this text from page 8. This connection is a text to world. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Giver: book club

A perfect world, is only imaginable if you live where I live. A perfect world would be different from our world because in a perfect world there would be no crime and no violence. There would also be people that aren't in dept and also no poverty.  Our world would have no similarities with a perfect world because our world doesn't have any perfect qualities. When I image a perfect day in a perfect world, I think of waking up in a beautiful home where i can get up get go outside and get a hi and a nice warming smile from anyone. I also imagine being able to go to work and earning a paycheck that allows me too pay off important things as well as use the rest of the money to enjoy myself. Also I would imagine ending my day with a nice dinner with my family, then go to sleep in a cozy bed without worrying about any problems, because there is none. Now thats a perfect world!