Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Picking!!!

As I stepped of the hay ride I pick my head up and see big, small, round, flat all different pumpkins.I think to myself how in the world will I be able to  pick from all these pumpkins. Caught to my attention was the pungent odor of fresh cotton candy. The smell tingled in my mouth as I liked my lips.  I ran toward my dad as fast as a cat being chased by a dog. I finally reached him and excitedly  asked to help me pick a pumpkin. He smiles and nods his head. I walk up and down the field carfully examing the pumpkins making sure they dont have one single scratch or dent in them.When I finally reach this one pumpkin thats whispering my name asking me to take it home. I decide this is the one. I quickly whisper back sure so that no one would see. I grab it by the stem looking at all sides one last time making sure its perfect. My dad yells from the other side of the field "Its time to go". I run back toward him. He takes my pumpkin from my hand asking if this is the one I want for sure. I shake my head and say yes Im positive. "Thanks dad" I exclaim while I give him a big hug. I hope we can come back next year!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cell phones!!!

           Today I was using my cell phone and I starting thinking what I would do without one. I realized it would be hard for me to live without my cell phone. So now that I don't know what I would do without it I got interested in finding out who invented them. Above you will notice that there is a picture he is the creator of cell phones.
            Martin Cooper is the inventor of  the first cell phone. He was born December 26, 1928 and is 92 years old. He also served in the Korean war.He earned his bachelor, masters, electric engineering from the Illinois institute of technology. I'm sure I will always be thankful for my cell phone!!  

Friday, October 15, 2010

Art class!!!

    There are lots of reasons I like art class but I'll only give a few.Here at Herbert Hoover we get to chose an elective. I chose art. I am happy with my choice because so far it's been awesome. In art class we have finished one assignment already. It was about creating your own origanal cartoon character along with making a cover with the character on it pretending to sell it. Our next project is going to be about patters. I cant wait to see the other projects we will do throughout the school year!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Special post about friends!

My friends mean the world to me. There always there when I need them and I'll always be there for them.The moments and laughter we share together fills our hearts with joy.Friends are good to have have because you can talk to them about almost anything whether it be something good or bad. Its always important to chose the right friends. Good friends contain trustworthiness, caring qualities, loyalty and other good things too. Some friends I have are Mallory, Rosa, Janelle, Charity, Samantha and many more. Remember to always choose your friends wisely and stick with good friends forever!