Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cell phones!!!

           Today I was using my cell phone and I starting thinking what I would do without one. I realized it would be hard for me to live without my cell phone. So now that I don't know what I would do without it I got interested in finding out who invented them. Above you will notice that there is a picture he is the creator of cell phones.
            Martin Cooper is the inventor of  the first cell phone. He was born December 26, 1928 and is 92 years old. He also served in the Korean war.He earned his bachelor, masters, electric engineering from the Illinois institute of technology. I'm sure I will always be thankful for my cell phone!!  


  1. erin and i both agree that we couldnt live with out our cell phones. i hope that i see more good blog post that i can agree with. happy blogging!!!!!!!

  2. Nice blog Caitlyn! Me and Alyssa can't live without our cellphone either. Keep blogging!
