Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My New Guinea Pig!

This is my Guinea Pig Kirby!
  I finally got a Guinea Pig! I have always wanted one. My parents said I needed to prove I was responsible before getting one. So I decided to always listen to my mom and do whatever I was told. And I ended up getting one
  I got my Guinea Pig 3 days ago, its name is Kirby and its light brown and white. Its my responsibility to take care of it whether its cleaning its cage or putting his food in his cage. A Guinea Pig is alot of work everyday I make sure to feed it and every week I make sure I clean its cage. I will be sure to do this forever so I can keep my Guinea Pig.

1 comment:

  1. I had a guinea pig named Peebo, but she died of a URI (Upper Respiratory Infection.) Guinea Pigs get sick very easily, so never go near your guinea pig if you are sick and keep the temperature warm. I hope your guinea pig lives a long happy life. Peebo loved fresh lettuce, bananas, and oranges, maybe yours will too.
