Thursday, November 4, 2010

The best thing I learned in School so far !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

             The best thing I learned in school so far is learning how to make a blog. I enjoyed learning how to blog and how to make a blog! I enjoyed it because when im bored I blog. When I have free time I blog. It helps me write about different topics. It also lets people comment edvice or positive reviews making me feel confident in blogging more. I also like bloging because you can carry it out till your old, there is no age limit. I am sure i will get more people to make a blog. I will also try my hardest to become a blogger of the week for my english class. I will blog for the rest of my life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I am very happy that you are enjoying blogging in class! You are right, it is a great way to write about different topics and there is no age limit! I have been enjoying your blog so far and all the great things you are posting. I would love to read a post about the most exciting thing that happened to you over break or even something you have written in school. Keep up the good work, you are definitely on track for blogger of the week. I like that becoming blogger of the week is a goal of yours! Keep working hard and it will happen! :)

    Mr. Poole

  2. Great blog. Learning how to blog was my favorite thing to. What iks your favorite part about blogging?

  3. Nick my favorite part of blogging is being able to make a post and have people comment with advice or likes.
