Saturday, January 22, 2011

Guinea pigs

   I have always wanted a Gines pig since I could remember. This year I plan on finally getting one! So i decided to do some research, so im ready. Thing I researched mostly about were how much care does it need what supplies are needed for it and many more things about ginea pigs. Heres what I found.

Behavior:Guinea pigs rarely bite or scratch, but they can be messy-scattering food, water and bedding all over their cages. Their vocabulary includes about nine sounds, from whistling to purring to squealing. They are most active at dusk and dawn, but easily adjust to the routine of your household. Guinea pigs can be fun to watch. They like to explore new settings, but if scared, they’ll either freeze or scatter in different directions

Looks:Guinea pigs come in a variety of colors and coats from which you can choose. They may be a solid color, or a combination of two or three colors. Their coat may be short, long, silky or whorled. There are even hairless guinea pigs! If you choose a long-haired guinea pig, be prepared to help him groom himself by combing him once every two or three weeks

Cleaning of the cage:To keep your
pet’s home clean and safe, change the bedding daily. Once a week, thoroughly wash and disinfect his cage with a solution of one ounce of bleach mixed in a liter or quart of water. Be sure the cage is rinsed well and completely dry before adding fresh bedding and putting Piggy back inside. Rinse feeders and waterers every day, too. And keep your friend’s home dry, as dampness can cause illness

Guinea pigs are strict herbivores. They should be fed a complete, pelleted diet made especially for guinea pigs that contains at least 16% crude protein. The pellets should not be fed more than 90 days after their milling. Also provide small amounts of grass hay, and supplement Piggy’s diet with a source of active ascorbic acid, such as a handful of cabbage or half a handful of kale (washed and fresh) or a quarter of an orange. Because guinea pigs can’t produce their own Vitamin C, you should add a Vitamin C supplement to their water as well a teaspoon of Vitamin C liquid to 12 ounces of water. The water will need to be replaced daily, however, as the Vitamin C will lose its potency rather quickly.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sledding in the the snow!

             During winter recess I went sledding. Before I left my house I made sure I had on my snowsuit, jacket, gloves and boots. Once I had all of those things on I headed out. The hill I was going to sled was only a couple minutes away. So I decided to walk there. I finally reached the big hill and  climbed all the way to top. I reached the top and looked down, it was really tall and scary. But I put those fears aside and decided I would try it. First I layed my sled on the top of the hill. Next I sat on it thinking about the ride down and how I will feel. Lastly I held the sled tightly and gave my self a little push. It started to go down.
             My body filled with fear while I hold on the sled with all my force. I scream a little on the way down. But once I realized I was almost to the bottom I didn't feel scared I actually felt proud that I faced my fears. The sled stopped as I reached the bottom. I got off my sled and ran back up for another turn. It was really fun and now I am not scared. I must of done it about 20 times till I got tired and decided to go home. I cant wait till it snows again for me to go sledding.!

My great fishing trip!

As I walked toward the brand new blue and white boat sitting on the lake looking as new as a baby. Just waiting for us to hop on and take a ride. The aroma of fresh fish and lake water filled the air. My heart filled with excitment! I took a minute to notice all the the people swimming in the lake. "Vroom Vroom" the engine of the boat roared as i stepped on the boat.I grabbed my pole. It was an old little pole that had been used many times, I could tell by the deep scratches and faded coloring. Next I took my seat. We took off towards the middle of the lake. Once we reached the middle of the lake we let the anker down. Fist I grabbed a slipert slimy piece of bait that had a pungent smell making me hold my nose with one hand... and the bait with the other. Then I placed it on my hook.Then i held the pole with one hand and carefully kept letting the line down till I felt it plop on the bottom of the lake. Just then i knew it had reached the bottom. It is as silent as a tiger ready to catch its pray, while wait for someone to catch the first fish of the boat. Suddenly I felt a tug on my pole, then realized i had i fish at the end of my pole.Then it was like war between me and the fish as I pulled and it pulled. In a blink of an eye I took control over the fish and reeled it up. I snatched it off my hook and held it up as if it were a medal. I was so proud that i caught the first fish of the boat. I couldnt help but smiling. My dad said gob job and smiled too. The driver of the boat patted me on the back and held the fish in front of me, while my dad snaped a picture. "I will never foget this trip" I whispered to myself. After that everyone started to catch fish. By the end of the day tons of fish had been caught and the driver took us back. "What a wonderful day!" I said to myself.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My main goals for 2011

My Goals

#1 Buy a nook.
    I want to buy a nook because it allows me to read books I don't have. It also will allow me to read certain books for free. Reading is one of my favorite passions. By getting the nook I can read everyday which will increase my reading level. I will try to accomplish this goal by saving up my allowance I get every other week.

#2 Get a pet.
       I want to get a pet because it will show my parents how responsible I am when i take care of it and feed it. My apartment doesn't allow dogs or cats but small pets are allowed like a fish or bunny etc....  I would prefer a guinea pig because there small and easy to take care of. I will try to accomplish this goal by helping out my parents more and showing how responsible I am.

#3 Blog once a week
        I love to blog and hope to blog for the rest of my life. In school we have to blog once a week which I normally don't do either because I forgot or was to busy. But this year I will plan ahead and make sure I fit in one at least one blog post for the week. Its fun to blog and read other people's blog. I will accomplish this goal by planing the week before what day and time I will blog this way I cant make plans that day or time.