Monday, January 3, 2011

My main goals for 2011

My Goals

#1 Buy a nook.
    I want to buy a nook because it allows me to read books I don't have. It also will allow me to read certain books for free. Reading is one of my favorite passions. By getting the nook I can read everyday which will increase my reading level. I will try to accomplish this goal by saving up my allowance I get every other week.

#2 Get a pet.
       I want to get a pet because it will show my parents how responsible I am when i take care of it and feed it. My apartment doesn't allow dogs or cats but small pets are allowed like a fish or bunny etc....  I would prefer a guinea pig because there small and easy to take care of. I will try to accomplish this goal by helping out my parents more and showing how responsible I am.

#3 Blog once a week
        I love to blog and hope to blog for the rest of my life. In school we have to blog once a week which I normally don't do either because I forgot or was to busy. But this year I will plan ahead and make sure I fit in one at least one blog post for the week. Its fun to blog and read other people's blog. I will accomplish this goal by planing the week before what day and time I will blog this way I cant make plans that day or time.

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