Friday, January 7, 2011

Sledding in the the snow!

             During winter recess I went sledding. Before I left my house I made sure I had on my snowsuit, jacket, gloves and boots. Once I had all of those things on I headed out. The hill I was going to sled was only a couple minutes away. So I decided to walk there. I finally reached the big hill and  climbed all the way to top. I reached the top and looked down, it was really tall and scary. But I put those fears aside and decided I would try it. First I layed my sled on the top of the hill. Next I sat on it thinking about the ride down and how I will feel. Lastly I held the sled tightly and gave my self a little push. It started to go down.
             My body filled with fear while I hold on the sled with all my force. I scream a little on the way down. But once I realized I was almost to the bottom I didn't feel scared I actually felt proud that I faced my fears. The sled stopped as I reached the bottom. I got off my sled and ran back up for another turn. It was really fun and now I am not scared. I must of done it about 20 times till I got tired and decided to go home. I cant wait till it snows again for me to go sledding.!

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