Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Time!

Christmas is a special time of year for many people. Christmas means different things to many people. To me its celebrating the birth of Jesus. Also means giving without wanting anything back. I also have many traditions that take place in between Christmas Eve and Christmas day. But I will just say a few.

Every year on Christmas Eve I go to my aunts house for a dinner. We usually listen to music dance and enjoy the time we are spending together. Then when midnight comes we all go to midnight mass. Then everyone goes home into there warm cozy beds hoping when they wake up there will be gifts under their tree. Another tradition I do is two or three weeks before Christmas I get a Christmas tree with my my family. We bring it home and put it up. Then after its done opening we decorate it with bright lights and a bunch of ornaments that are different shapes and sizes. Then we enjoy it till Christmas when we enjoy it even more. We enjoy it even more because on Christmas day is because when we wake up the tree is filled with lots of gifts under it. My favorite tradition out of the ones I said is putting up a tree and decorating it.Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and I cant wait for it this year. There is only eight days till Christmas. Merry Christmas to all!

This blog post is for the December blogging contest.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Special Blog Post : The last book in the universe

          In school we were reading The last book in the universe. Here is a quick overview of the book: A boy named Spaz lives alone in one of the latches outside Eden. Ten he got kicked out of the latch. But he still remembered and loved his adopted sister bean. One day he got a message from a messenger saying bean was very sick and close to dying. So Spaz goes on a trip to save his sister. He goes on this trip with Ryter an old "Gummy". (They call old people gummies) Along the way a little ophan "Little Face" got attached to them. Also  a proov girl named Lanya joins them who is destined to become the ruler of Eden. The trip was filled with many dangers but finally they reached Beans side. She is very weak and soon goes into a coma. Her only hope for survival is Eden and, even though “normals” are forbidden in Eden, Lanya agrees to take Spaz, Bean, Ryter and Little Face to Eden. Bean recived treatment for her sickness and when she recovers there all forced to leave Eden, accept for Litte Faceand Bean stay. When Ryter and Spaz get back there latch is on fire. Sadly They kill Ryter. And Spaz discovers Billy Bizmo is his father, before they were part of the bangers together. People who steal stuff aroung there latch.

      This book was great! It filled your body with laughter at times, and teared your eyes at times too. My opinion on this book is that this book was really good.Confusing at first but once I started getting into it I loved it. Also don't judge a book by its cover because if i were doing that for this book i wouldn't have chosen it. But now that i actually read it i loved it. I wonder if this is part of a series. If so, ill be sure to read them all.
      I would recommend this book to people who like dramas/non-fiction books. Also people that like great endings but at the same time sad. I'm sure whoever reads this book will love it. It will warm there hearts.Also teach them things.I wont foget about this amazing book!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The tree lighting in New York

Rockefeller center chrstmas tree lighting 

              The 2010 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree was lit for the first time on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 with live and taped performances. The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree is a world-wide symbol of the holidays in New York City. The tree is lit with millions of colorful lights and topped off with a cyrstal star. Thousands crowd the sidewalks for the event and hundreds of millions watch the Tree Lighting Ceremony broadcast live across the world.

          Last year I visted this event and it was amazing. All the lights sparkled in your eyes and the christmas music warmed your heart. This expirence was a beautiful one. Millions of people surround you with beautiful smiles on their faces making it hard not to smile and enjoy the lighting of the tree with them. This also makes me wonder how they fill such a big tree with lights? This also makes me think about how close Christmas is, making it even more exciting for me. Im sure I will visit there again sometime !

This blog post is for the December blogging contest.

Friday, November 12, 2010



         Cuba is an island in the Caribbean. Havana is Cuba's largest city and is the capital of the country. It has a tropical climate. The population of Cuba is 11.2 million. Cuba was the last Spanish colony to gain freedom. 
                I am Cuban and speak spanish. My whole family was born in Cuba execpt for me, my sister and brother. My mom left Cuba and came to the United States when she was four. My dad left Cuba and came to the united states when he was seven.
I am proud to be Cuban!

Thanksgiving is almost here !


                Thanksgiving is almost here. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It is a day where you give thanks for everything and everyone you have. You also have a big family dinner with losts of food. I have a big family so we have to cook alot of food. Maily everyear we have turkey and sweet potatoes, mash  potatoes, pumpkin pie and stuffing.
             Everyear I give thanks for what I have and who I have. We take turns around the table to say our thanks. Then we make one big prayer together. After our prayers we EAT! We stay up all night long talking and eating. Thanksgiving is a big holiday for my family. I cant wait for Thanksgiving this year.

Friday, November 5, 2010

An expirence this week on our week off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One experience I had on the week off is I went to a sleepover !!!! The sleepover I went to was really fun.We had pizza and soda and also made sundaes. We stayed up all night listening to music, snacking and talking!I loved the idea of putting mattresses on the floor and sleeping on them, even though we barely got any sleep. My favorite part was spending time with my friends. I always look forward to spending time with friends. This week off was amazing. I hope we can have more sleepovers in the future!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, November 4, 2010

The best thing I learned in School so far !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

             The best thing I learned in school so far is learning how to make a blog. I enjoyed learning how to blog and how to make a blog! I enjoyed it because when im bored I blog. When I have free time I blog. It helps me write about different topics. It also lets people comment edvice or positive reviews making me feel confident in blogging more. I also like bloging because you can carry it out till your old, there is no age limit. I am sure i will get more people to make a blog. I will also try my hardest to become a blogger of the week for my english class. I will blog for the rest of my life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Picking!!!

As I stepped of the hay ride I pick my head up and see big, small, round, flat all different pumpkins.I think to myself how in the world will I be able to  pick from all these pumpkins. Caught to my attention was the pungent odor of fresh cotton candy. The smell tingled in my mouth as I liked my lips.  I ran toward my dad as fast as a cat being chased by a dog. I finally reached him and excitedly  asked to help me pick a pumpkin. He smiles and nods his head. I walk up and down the field carfully examing the pumpkins making sure they dont have one single scratch or dent in them.When I finally reach this one pumpkin thats whispering my name asking me to take it home. I decide this is the one. I quickly whisper back sure so that no one would see. I grab it by the stem looking at all sides one last time making sure its perfect. My dad yells from the other side of the field "Its time to go". I run back toward him. He takes my pumpkin from my hand asking if this is the one I want for sure. I shake my head and say yes Im positive. "Thanks dad" I exclaim while I give him a big hug. I hope we can come back next year!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cell phones!!!

           Today I was using my cell phone and I starting thinking what I would do without one. I realized it would be hard for me to live without my cell phone. So now that I don't know what I would do without it I got interested in finding out who invented them. Above you will notice that there is a picture he is the creator of cell phones.
            Martin Cooper is the inventor of  the first cell phone. He was born December 26, 1928 and is 92 years old. He also served in the Korean war.He earned his bachelor, masters, electric engineering from the Illinois institute of technology. I'm sure I will always be thankful for my cell phone!!  

Friday, October 15, 2010

Art class!!!

    There are lots of reasons I like art class but I'll only give a few.Here at Herbert Hoover we get to chose an elective. I chose art. I am happy with my choice because so far it's been awesome. In art class we have finished one assignment already. It was about creating your own origanal cartoon character along with making a cover with the character on it pretending to sell it. Our next project is going to be about patters. I cant wait to see the other projects we will do throughout the school year!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Special post about friends!

My friends mean the world to me. There always there when I need them and I'll always be there for them.The moments and laughter we share together fills our hearts with joy.Friends are good to have have because you can talk to them about almost anything whether it be something good or bad. Its always important to chose the right friends. Good friends contain trustworthiness, caring qualities, loyalty and other good things too. Some friends I have are Mallory, Rosa, Janelle, Charity, Samantha and many more. Remember to always choose your friends wisely and stick with good friends forever!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall is finally here!

Here where i live fall is a beautiful season because the leaves turn bright yellow, red, and orange. It also brings cool weather. During this season there are many things you could do. One thing I like to do is go pumpkin picking. I also like to celebrate Halloween. The down side of this season is raking leaves because during this season the leaves fall off the trees covering the grass. Fall is my favorite seasoHere where i live fall is a beautiful season because the leaves tun because of all the beauty!
 For fall photography go to :

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Metropolitan Museum of art

                                               This is a picture of The Metropolitan Museum of art!

                      The Metropolitan Museum is an art museum located on the eastern edge of Central Park, in New York City,USA.This museum contains more than 2,000,000 works of art, divided into nineteen departments.The Metropolitan Museum of art was founded 1870 by a group of American citizens.The founders included businessman and financiers, as well as artists, who wanted to open a museum to bring art to the American people. The first time it opened was on February 20th,1872.I wrote about this not only because my passion is art but because this Saturday I'm going there. I know I will have a wonderful time!
For more information here is the museums website:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Welcome to keyboard craze room 101

Hello, bloggers. Thank you for visiting my blog. On this blog I will post things about my passion art and other topics too. Hope you enjoy my blog!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Color Splash

Art is my passion. I like to do art in my free time. I use different things when i draw like colored pencils, crayons, marker. I also like to doodle, i usually doodle hearts, smiley faces, flowers. I enjoy looking at art that tells you something or explains something. For people who don't like to draw i would give it another chance and hopefully you will like it. That's why arts my passion!         Heres a picture of a unicorn something else i like to draw!